size shape

To bra or not to bra …………. that is the question!

We’re used to reading ‘what’s my size’ or ‘70% of us are wearing the wrong sized bra’ but we’re now being faced with research suggesting bras do more harm than good. I think that’s a superficial view and probably not really accurate.

Last year a survey was conducted by Researchers at the University of Besançon lead by Professor Rouillon. The survey popped up in the Daily Mail again this week. Professor Rouillon  believes ” the absence of a bra could keep breasts in shape and  prevent back ache ” He went on to say that  ‘The decision not to a wear a bra  appeals to women in terms of comfort and aesthetics. Contrary to popular belief,  the breast does not fall, but tightens and lifts, and the quality of the skin  improves.’’ I’m not sure I agree. Do you?

So to bra or not to bra ……… that is the question!

Before reading the article or answering the question it’s important to realise what the bra does on the body and why people even bother.  In simple terms, the bra works on a cantilever system. The back is the main support; the underband and cups use that to support the bust,   To explain simply – look around your office or home and look for a shelf.


The bra works in much the same way! Like the bust, the shelf isn’t supporting itself but is being supported by the brackets which in turn are being held in place by a straight wall. For the shelf to work, the other 2 items have to be correct. In bra terms, the cup is the bracket and the bra band is the wall or anchor.

Imagine a shelf which isn’t fastened to a straight wall. It will no longer work as a shelf. The shelf won’t be able to hold items or stay in place. Well ……… the bra is exactly the same.


For the bra to work effectively, the cup shape and the bra band have to be working together with you. The cup is the support which shapes and  holds the bust level, whilst the band holds the cups in place. By lifting the bust so it sits level on the body, you gently lift the shoulders and straighten the back to create a wall. If this is correct then the fullest point will be sitting halfway between the elbow and shoulder ( i.e. level like a shelf) and the band will be level around the body ( showing the bust is sitting level on the body)

So wearing the wrong bra shape and size will have the same effect as a shelf fixed to a sloping wall with uneven brackets.

What surveys tend to forget is we’re not all the same. Body shape plays a huge role in bra fitting.  The bust isn’t something which can be shaped into any cup shape. Get this wrong  and the bra will hurt. It will dig in and it won’t support you. It will do the exact opposite. Matching the shape of the cup to your bust and bodyform first is key, other wise you could be doing more harm than good. The band is the anchor.The cups are the shape and support.

These articles and surveys always have some point but they tend to forget that we’re not all the same. We all have a different frame and a different build . What is true is that an ill-fitting bra will do more harm than good ………… just like an ill fitting pair of shoes or a wonky shelf.  Bras and shoes and shelves have a lot in common!

Coming next: Why are these 34D bras all a 34D but all a different fit?

By Sara O’Regan  – Founder of Bra Sense Ltd  –

For more information about our fitting service, please email

Bra Insights 2013 ……….. Fashion Starts with the Bra!

When we say the Bra is the foundation for fashion, we really aren’t exaggerating. You see the bra is the key to fit for fashion. The shoulders, waist and hips are all ‘fixed’. We can’t change the size, shape or more importantly position within 5 minutes yet we can the bust. Change the size and shape of your bra and you instantly change the size, shape and position of the bust. Why does that matter you may ask? Well …….. its because it instantly changes your bodyshape, dress shape and ultimately your dress size. Ever said’this dress fits if I wear my other bra’ well that’s why. So by starting off right from the very beginning with a bra that fits your true bodyshape and size, you’ve instantly created your right foundations for fashion.

Full Fit-Dream Tisha _9955 Nude_Cropped 

Le Mystere Dream Tisha – helps create the curves to balance the body

 Throughout 2013 we’ll be sharing our Bra Insights 2013 with you all. We’ll give you the insight into how bras really do create the foundation for fashion for every occasion starting with January!

January Bra Insight 2013 : We’ve all started our ‘New Years Resolution’ of drop a dress size. But were you the right size to start with? In January our Bra Insights looks at how the bra really is key to dress size and shape. Look a dress size smaller with the right bra for you in just 5 minutes. Everybody talks about bodyshape but the wrong bra and you’ll have changed your shape. This is the foundation in our Bra Insights for 2013 and is one not to be mixed!

 Full Fit-Dream Tisha _9955 under T-Shirt

Le Mystere Dream Tisha- clearly creates the ‘bridge’ between shoulders, bust and waist

For more information about Bra Insights 2013, email or call 0845 094 2827.